Tuesday, January 8, 2013

austin nonprofits

https://wildlife-rescue.org/-wild life rescue was founded in 1977 in Sanantonio. What wild life rescue does is rescue animals in need and rehabilitates them and when they're done rehabilitating them they release them back into nature. they also help in the community they help people get  raccoon and aposoms out of there homes and when they get them out of the house they release them back to nature away from civilization .

http://www.activelifehq.org/our-mission-the point of active life is to keep a healthy norm and prevent obesity and diabetes for kids. They're mission is to make healthy the norm.

http://boneshaker.org/- bone shaker's purpose is to  inspire kids toward daily physical activity,and encourage them to lead others to persue  helthier lifestiles 

http://afpyc.org/-AFPYC's mission is to en hance early child hood education for economicly disadvantaged  childreen throught direct learning experiences.

http://www.austinkids.org/About-Us.aspx- austin children museum's mission is to innovate  learning experiences for children and family that equipt and inspire the next generation of creative problem solvers.