Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Making a mini game is challenging but it is also allot of fun .The hardest part about it was putting in a score keeper it took  me about three days to get it right.The easiest part was the collision detection.The best part was felling the success of doing a step by yourself.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Children Of Heaven

Children Of Heaven is about this kid named Ali and his life and Ali lives in Iran. His family is poor when he loses his sisters shoes he has to share shoes with  her.Then his mom gets sick shara Ali's sister has to do  most of the house work..Ali then helps his dad with work by spraying trees they finally got someone  hire them when they were coming back home they fell down and got hurt.Then Ali entered a race to win his sister some shoes of you want the shoes you have to be in third place but he got in first place.
His family was way different from my version of a Muslim family i thought they were more violent.Muslims are actually pretty calm from my prospective.Ali is nice giving and thoughtful.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muslimsthisllink tells you about Muslims and life's style

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

what happend

I think  Osama Bin Ladin  started  9-11  because    he  wanted  to  get his  name  out  and  get  noticed.I  want  to  know  what  were  the  terrorist  names.  I  also  want  to  know  how  the  terrorist  trained.