Thursday, December 20, 2012

slide 1-Spain is a cons. monarchy in which a monarch(king or queen) acts as head of state within the guidelines of a constitution,the ability to make and pass laws resides with an elected Parliament, not with the Monarch(king or queen).
slide 2-us is a democracy in witch the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections
slide 3-how these governments are alike and dislike-we both follow a constitution
democracy gives supreme power to the people while constitutional monarchy has the parliment  have most of the power
Democracy-people elect officials to represent them
constitutional monarchy-next monarch(king)elected by next in line for the crown they have to be the same kin
Slide 4 -spains cons. was made in 1978 it proclaims Spain to be a social and democratic state governed by law and declares liberty, justice, equality, and political pluralism to be the country's foremost values. National sovereignty resides in the people, from whom all powers of the state emanate. The new Constitution defines Spain as a parliamentary monarchy, with the king as head of state and symbol of its unity and permanence. It establishes a bicameral legislature, the Cortes, and an independent judicial system
slide 5-us cons. was made in March 4, 1789 it proclaims that people have ultimate power and soverignty and they also had the right to elect thesair representatives  it is still to this day the out line to our was made so the us wasent ruled by a monarch (king) becaus that was what every one addition to the constitution we added a bill of rights witch was ratified in December 15, 1791 it gives the us the rights we have today it also states that we have fredom ,liberty ,equality between each other
slide 6-how the cons. arent alike-the US has a bill of  rights
spain is set as a parliamentary monarchy in witch the parlimet makes all the disitions and monarch is head of state and symbol of its unity and permanence.
US is set as a democracy in witch the people hold ultimate soveregnty(power)
spain's constitution establishes a bicameral legislature, the Cortes, and an independent judicial system
Us'es constitution establishes seperation of power into  3 branches legislative,executive and judicial and each branch has a different job
slide7- spains econymy-spains econymi at this time is not doing so well it is $1.9 trillion dollars in debt just in begining of the year of 2011
Spain is ranked 17th out of 43 countries in the Europe region and it is the 36th largest economy in the world.
if Eu dosnt help spain and its econymy spain wont make it much longer
slide8-US'es economy  isnt doing so good either it is in debt  11.5 trillion dollars this yearthe us owes 2.6 trillion dollars to the people that it borrowed from the irs the rest is owed to forign contrys
us is ranked the tenth larges econymy in the world
slide9-how theyre econimys are alike and unlike-we both owe a  big debt
but us has a bigger det than spain spains bebt compared to ours is nothing we owe 10.6 trilion more dollars than spain
us ranked 10th place and spain is ranked in 36th place whenit comes to their econymis
slide10-Did spain have a dictator-in fact spain did have a dictator his name was Francisco Franco he use to be a grat general for spain but when he was accepted to be the new king of spain. he started showing all the aspects of dictatership when he was chosen for king
he did not allow fair elections and political opposition
he even passed a law that made him head of state for life
but when he died in November 1975, the monarchy was restored when Prince Juan Carlos became head of state
Slide11-spain back then-  the 1600s  was spains golden age it was the super power in europe
spains wealth and military might was based on all the gold and silver its Central and South American colonies brought
back then spain was controled by the catholic church
spain use to own  and mexico until it revolutionized and seperated from spain and in addition texas sepersted from mexico later joining the us
slide12-spain curently-spain is part of the europian union
75% of its citezens live in cities
its population is 46 million
spains king is Juan carlos
slide 13-They have highest number of bars out of all the countries in the EU.
spain is the home of real madrid
Real Madrid is the richest club in the world.
soccer is the most important sport in spain it is like a religeon
 the name Spain diverged from the word Ispania, which means the land of rabbits.

mini game

While making my interactive mini game i learned one important thing that surprised me it turns out that if you think a game is easy for the players make sure that you double check that it is easy because looks can be deceiving i had to change my game so it could be easier and i think it works better now.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Play to Learn Part 2

The game topic or genre i piked was action because those type of games are really fun to play and they are also a chalange to make. I also learned from the games  reviewed.  I have learned that puzzle and maze games are the best type of games to show a learning topic.Some game features that stood out to me the most were how in some games the animation was so real.In conclusion i have no questions about my game genre (action).