Friday, May 2, 2014

Present Game

  • The Big Idea: Describe your learning topic for the game. What is the most important thing you want your players to learn?The learning topic for my game is history more specifically Nicholas the second .He was the last Czar of Russia .What I want the players to learn is that the Bolsheviks killed Nicholas and took over Russia they made it communist.
  • Research: What kind of research did you do? What did you learn about your topic?
I did not do any research in general about him because I learned everything from my Geography teacher Mr. Cunnigham. I used my notes as research but I learned many things about him such as he was a very weak leader.
  • Making Decisions: How did your ideas change as you worked on your game?
As worked on my game nothing really changed.When I learned that I couldn't add a second level that's when I changed things. I changed the enemies,background ,and collectibles  because what I originally had didn't give you enough info.
  • Mastering Programming: What Game Ingredients and Help Center resources have been most useful to you so far, and why?The game ingredients that helped me the most were the mouse positioning and fuel mechanics. This is because the mouse positioning makes it harder for the player to play and the fuel Mechanics prevents people from cheating in my game because you need collectibles to stay alive.

  • Overcoming Challenges: Which part of making the game was most difficult for you? How did you overcome this difficulty? What features are you most proud of in your game?
The part that I had the most problems with was the booster .It would just not work no matter what I did even Ms. Laurence couldn't help me so i didn't do it.The feature I am most proud of in my game is my main character because he took me a while to draw and he came out well.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Paper prototype

Making my paper prototype was a lot of fun to do but it had its challenges.I beleave the hardest part was making the backgrounds for my levels this is said because it takes a lot of detail to make.In the end I did finish the backgrounds and I thought they looked pretty nice and the easiest part for me was drawing the characters it came naturally. This in the end did help clear up many things for me it made the image clearer.By the image I mean Russia and its people.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Choose Learning Topic

You are Nicholas the second, the last Czar of Russia. You will live a very brutal and violent life. You will go through the game and live out different parts of his life. Level one will be your rise to the throne and how you don't want to take the throne in the end you still did. Your enemies will be cars trying to slow you down and your collectibles will be gas so your car will keep moving. Level two will be about how you had made some big decisions that messed up Russia in more ways than one thanks to your autocratic form of government you refused change. Well in this level your collectibles will be money because that is what you are trying to get for Russia and your enemies will be the people who oppose you. Now for level three...that is a surprise. You will have to wait and find out who you will be my friends stay tuned to my progress so you can find out .

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Mobile - Learn To Design For Mobile

Mobile and console games are two way different types of games mobile games are for portable devices like phones and consoles are game systems that you plug into your television.Console games are allot more complicated than mobile games because console games involve more controls. Now mobile games are supposedly easy to play but can have glitches at moments this is why it can be complicated to play them.Both of these games can be fun to play they just need to have a combination of both easy and hard.These are the things that mobile and console games can have in common and what their differences are.

Monday, January 6, 2014

School Goals

   I have many goals for my second semester this twenty fourteen man I am really exited I can tell its going to be a intriguing year. I have three main goals for this year. My first goal is to get better grades this school year.Many people say that I exceed myself to much but they don't understand that  these type of goals are my drive to do better in school.My better grade range would be a ninety five or higher for every class I know that is pushy but it is my drive.
    My second goal for my school year would be to try to make more friends in school.What I mean by this is that I should be nicer and more friendly to people in general. I now that we come to school to learn but this goals kind of a side thing. My third goal is to be more helpful in class and help my peers when they have troubles in school.I will try to do this by if my friends ask me for help or anyone else in general I will help them.