Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My teams topic is about protecting the wolfs from being extinct.The important thing about our game is to teach kids to protect their wild life.We made up with our game pretty quickly because we had the same game topic.we decided  our game topic easily because we had the same one.Me and my partner are splitting every job in half i do half she does half. The drawings   were going to do separably  and when we do the the programming we paste them all in the same flash page.The kind of research that we did was general information .A example is how long they live what they eat.....etc.You play our game by using the arrow keys and space bar to move.The player has to get the wolf to its cave avoiding hunters ,traps and,bears.I think the brush tool and the bucket tools are going to be the most use full.The most difficult  curriculum topic has been game facts

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I am writing my game for people who are between 8 and 16 years old. The person who plays my game must be able to make the Boombot through the portal. Since my topic is about trajectory the player must already know about how  to aim. 
WHAT will your game teach the player about your topic? (Be specific!) 

My players will learn about the details of my topic, such as trajectory and how to aim. 

WHERE does your game happen? 

Describe the world you will design for your game. 

The environment for my game will look like maze with allot of space and some obstacles and it will have a portal . 

How will this setting add to the learning experience? 

This setting will add to the learning of my game by  showing that the TNT will make him go higher . 

What happens in the world that helps the player learn? 

The environment of my game will help the player learn by  putting obstacles and things that help them in the game. 

How does the player use what they learned to make something happen in the game? 

The player will need to use their knowledge of  making the Boombot going through the portal from the other levels in order to pass the other harder levels. 

WHY is a game a better way of understanding your topic than a quiz? 

A game is a better way of understanding my topic than a quiz because you get to interact and have fun at the same time. 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

  • WHO are you designing your game for? (Include the player's age, abilities, and prior knowledge of your topic.) For  5 and 6th graders.
  • WHAT will your game teach the player about your topic? (Be specific!)
It will teach kids about endangered wolfs and why theyre endangered.
  • WHERE does your game happen?
    • Describe the world you will design for your game.
    • How will this setting add to the learning experience?
in forest of yellow stone where hunters are illegally hunting.
  • HOW does your game world teach the player about your topic?
    • What happens in the world that helps the player learn?
    • How does the player use what they learned to make something happen in the game?
yes becaus you have to avoid hunters and traps.
  • WHY is a game a better way of understanding your topic than a quiz?
because its going to make it fun.

Friday, October 14, 2011

I learned that Darfur is a very dangerous place.In the game you can chose different players and they all have a different speeds do to their age if your older you cant run as fast to show how different the characters are in real life. Therese also a part where you have to maintain your own camp and it shows you what  a Darfur persc has to do in real life.You can also write a letter to the president to tell him to help the people in Darfur.I think its important to try to help  the less fortunate in any way that i can.

here are some links http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darfur_is_Dying

Friday, October 7, 2011

Stevs Jobs

Stevs Jobs was really  to me because he inspired me try and try again.Whithought Stevs Jobs we woudnt most of the technology that we have today.Here is a article about him http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Jobs.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

I learned that action games are more interesting. I liked the  graphics and easy instructions.
 How to make the game more interesting?  How to make the game more appealing to younger kids? How to improve the graphics?

Monday, October 3, 2011

be the change

When I was  part of  be the change I felt happy I was helping the trees.I would also want to be part of planting trees and other kind of plants.I went to a park to put mulch around trees for be the change.
I practically tried all of the jobs watering the plants,caring the wheel barrel, spreading the mulch and,putting mulch on wheel barrel.Be the change was kinda fun.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Making a mini game is challenging but it is also allot of fun .The hardest part about it was putting in a score keeper it took  me about three days to get it right.The easiest part was the collision detection.The best part was felling the success of doing a step by yourself.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Children Of Heaven

Children Of Heaven is about this kid named Ali and his life and Ali lives in Iran. His family is poor when he loses his sisters shoes he has to share shoes with  her.Then his mom gets sick shara Ali's sister has to do  most of the house work..Ali then helps his dad with work by spraying trees they finally got someone  hire them when they were coming back home they fell down and got hurt.Then Ali entered a race to win his sister some shoes of you want the shoes you have to be in third place but he got in first place.
His family was way different from my version of a Muslim family i thought they were more violent.Muslims are actually pretty calm from my prospective.Ali is nice giving and thoughtful.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muslimsthisllink tells you about Muslims and life's style

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

what happend

I think  Osama Bin Ladin  started  9-11  because    he  wanted  to  get his  name  out  and  get  noticed.I  want  to  know  what  were  the  terrorist  names.  I  also  want  to  know  how  the  terrorist  trained.

Monday, August 29, 2011

join the community

 A single  story  is  when  people create  a  stereo  type  about  a  race,ethic groups,age,gender,and  where you  live.A  example would  be  all  boys  like  foot ball.A  single  story  in  my  community is  that  all  boys  there  like  soccer.It is  not  true  because  I do  not  like  soccer.A  single  story  in  my friends  community  is  that  there  is  only  African  Americans  there .That  is  not  true  because  alot  of  diferent  races  live  there.If  I  were  to  create a  game  about  streotypes  and  what  type  of  stereo types there  are  .It  is  also  show  how  all  people  are  the  same  nomater  what  race  they  are.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I  have  learned  that  cyber  bullying  is  a  sereous  thing  and  you  should  not  mess  around  with  it.Even  do  I  have  never  been  cyber  bullyed  I  have  been  bullyed  phisicly  and  verbally.If  I  ever  saw  a  kid  being  cyber  bullyed  I  would  tell  a  trusted  adult  like  a  teacher  or  the  web  master.like  for  insample  the  movie  cyber  bully  they did  so  many  things wrong  that  I  ca  evenkeep  countnt . 

Monday, August 15, 2011

First week of school

In  my  first  week  of  school  I  was  kinda  nervous  because  I  didn't  know  where  any  of  my  classes  were.Most of  the  new  teachers  were  nice  I  even  got  to  see  some  of  my  old  teachers .I  like  all  of  my classmates  and  I  haven't  had  arguments with  any  of  them. I  also  got  to  see  some  old  friends.I  am  looking  forward  to  creating  a plat  form  game  in  flash.I am  also  looking  forward to  drawing  in  flash it's  going  to  be  fun .  

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Last  Friday  I  went  to   NASA   it  was  a  long   trip. My  mom  went  with  me   to  NASA   it  was  a  benefit  for  me   because   I   didn't  have  to  see  a  boring   movie   that   I   would    not  like .Thanks  to  my  mom   I  didn't    have to  see  it  .   Me   and   my  mom   tried  allot   of  cool  machines. By  the  time  the  movie  was  done   the  other   kids  didn't   have  time  to  play. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Apollo 13

Me  and   my    class  watched  Apollo 13   it   was  boring   in  the   begining   but   it  got   more   interesting  as  the  movie  went  on .I  was  inthousiastic   to  see  what    hapens  next   in  the   movie 
The  mission   symbol  is   of   a   horse  flying  throu  space   I  think  it  looks   cool  and  weird  at  the  same  time   ☺ =D  : )  .Apollo 13   was   the   7th   maned  mission  in  the   American Apollo space program .The mission was launched on April 11, 1970 at 13:13   it  looked   cool  in  the  movie.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Lightning Thief

We  read  the  The Lightning Thief   yesterday  it   was    funny  and  exiting   at   the  same  time  .
The   exiting  part  was   when   Mrs.Dods   turned   into   that   creature  and   percy  kills  her  with   the  sword.The  funny  part   was  when   Nancy  was  thrown   into    the  water  fountain I  was  lafing  when   that   happened .My  personal  opinion  is  that  the  book   is   exciting   and  interesting .
Hopefully   when  we  finish  the book  we  watch  the  movie  .

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

There    are   allot   of  types   of    cars     my   favorite   type   of    car   is   a    sports   car.  My    dad    has   a  candy  red  suburban  .My     mom   has   a   white     Chevrolet   avalanche.I   think   both   my  moms    and    dads    cars     are   really   cool  because    of    the    colors    of    the    cars.So    I   want   a  car    because   I   want    to   drive    around   in   it .


Monday, May 16, 2011

My Game Is Finished!

I   have  learned   allot  on  flash   I   have   also  learned     allot   of  codes  that    can   help   me    in  the   future.I   think   it  was   a  great    idea   to   work    alone  because    I    got   more  work     done   .
I    learned    how   to   trace     pictures   in    flash    it   is    really    easy.I    also   learned     how  to     do   hit  test   on   flash  .   It    was    easy   to    put    on.I   finished    my   game   on   time    because   I stayed   after  school.In    my   perspective     my    game    is    really   fun.I   also   got    nominated    but    I'm   not  a   finalist.  The    prize    that    we   won   is    a   trip   to   NASA.
I   just   can't    wait   til    we  go  to   NASA .

Monday, May 2, 2011

Fast Five

Last  sunday    I  went   to    see   Fast    Five    it  was  awesome   and     funny   at  the    same    time  ☺☻  .   I Went   to  see   it  with     my   dad   and    my    Little     brother .Since   the  theater  was   full  we  had  to    sit   separated    my   Little   brother   with   my  dad   and   I   sat    alone.It   didn't   mater    because    we    were   close   together .At   the    end   Dom   kills  all  the    cops   and   him   and     his   crew   get  $100 million  .

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Stand and Deliver

It is  about  a  teacher   who  wanted     his  class  to  take  the  A.P  calculus  test.I  think  the   movie  teaches   you   about   not  to  be  racic  or   judge  people  because   of    their   race  and   from  where  they  come  from.I   also   like  that   he  was  determend   to  teach   those   kids   A.P  calculus  because  it  must  have  been   really  hard.I   also   like   that   the   kids   give   up   their   summer   to    learn    A.P  calculus  with  Mr. Escalante.I  also   cant   beleave    that     Mr. Escalante  gave   up   most    of   his   time   to   spend   with    his   family    to   teach   those   kids.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

iPads for Kids

It   is  not   that   2nd   graders   are   getting   iPads   because  the  sixth  graders  need   them    more   for    more   efficient   learning ☺☺☻ .The    sixth  graders  also  need  the    iPads   to   prepare   for   TAKS   ☺☻.  I   also   think   a   iPad    would   help   us    learn    better   because    they   are   really  cool.A    down   side  about   iPads    is   that   kids   could   get     on   You tube     and   watch    videos.
It    would   be    cool    if    our    school   had   iPads  ☺☺☻☻.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Game Demo Progress

The   progress   i've  made  in    my   Game   demo     is    that   i've   learned   how    to  change
the   back   round☻☻☺☺.I   also     learned    how  to    write   on   my   slides     of   my    game  demo    it   was   cool ☺☺☺☺☺☺╝ .I     also   finished   my     game   demo       it   was   kinda   easy   to    finish   but   I    don't    know    why   some   people   had   some    problems   finishing  it.My   game   demo   is   colorful.   It   is   going   to   be   cool.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

spider factors

  • Intro screen: Game title

  • The   name    of   my   game  is   spider  factors.
    .Team Introduction: Give the names and roles of all team members (no last names)
    The   names   are  Louis.

  • Audience: Who are you designing your game for, and why?

  • For   6th  and   5th  graders   because   I   think   it   wouid   be   fun  for    them.

  • Gameplay: What does the player see and do? What are the rules and how do you win? What is the goal of the game? He  \   she

  •   They   will   learn about  factors .

  • Learning Goal: What will the player learn by playing this game?  They   will   learn about  factors .

  • Fun Factor: What makes your game fun for the player?

  • It   makes   you  try    it   again.

  • Smart Factor: What does your game teach? What can someone learn by playing it?It   teaches   factors   of   36. 

  • Style Factor: What kind of graphic/animation style will you use? What kind of sounds? Graphics   are   cartonish   and   not   that   colurful.

  • Originality Factor: What makes your game special and unique? Why will it sell? I   think   im   the   only   one   doing  it   on   spiders.

  • Monday, April 11, 2011

    Primete pile up

     The  game   that   relates   to   mine   is   Primate   pile   up   it  is   fun   .This  is   the   only   game   I   found   that   has   drag   and   drop.It  is   in    cool   math  .It    gets   you   really     frustrated   it  also   makes   try   it   over   and   over   again.It   is   really   fun   for      me   .I   would   like   to   use  the  part  when   the   banana   spins.

    Friday, April 8, 2011

    Game Progress Reflection

     I   learned  how  to  do   the   hit   test   it   was   kind   of   hard   because   the  first   time   I   tried   it    it   didn't      work.Then   I  asked  MS   .  Valdez   for   help.    I   am   also   making   my   game     harder.   It   is   going   to   be   fun.I   also  think  what   I   have   done  is   good.

    Thursday, April 7, 2011

    A Visit From the President

    Dear   Obama   you  should  come   to  our   school 
    because   our  school  is   way  better    than   theirs.
    Our  school  might  not   give    laptops   but  we  have   Globaloria☺☻.In   our  school   we    have  alot    fun  in  Globaloria ☺☺☻☻☻. All  of   our   classes   are  fun    well  atleast   for   me.I   really  love   my    school☺☻☻☻☻.

    Tuesday, April 5, 2011


     I would   say blogging is important because it helps you type.So if you get a job that involves typing you would be good at it because you were practicing by blogging.Blogging also helps you express your self.There  is  allot  of  kids  that   need  to  express   theme   selves.I   would    also   say   they   could check  out  http://www.twincities.com/ci_17704014?&nclick_check=1  to  see  other   reasons. 

    Thursday, March 24, 2011

    whatever it takes

    Whatever it  takes  is  about  a school  named  bronx.The  name   of  the  principle  is   Edward  Tom.One  of  the  students  who  had  the  most   problems   was shalifa.She  faild   all  of  her  clases.She  also   went   to  summer     school. Edward  is  also   planing  to  open   3  new  small  schools. 

    Wednesday, March 23, 2011


    The   game  I   like   is  copter.It  is   really  hard.It   also  gets   you  frustrated.The  highest  distance   i've   gotten  is  394.I t  is  hard  but   fun.  


    The     wizard   is  about   a  little   kid   with   his brother  who   want   to  go   to  California  for  a video game competition .The  main  characters    are   Cory   Jimmy  and  that  girl.It  has   adventure   .It   is    also a comedy.The   moods  of    the wizard     are  happy  and    sad.  

    Friday, March 11, 2011

    Spring Break

    On   spring  break  I plan  to   watch   TV   and    sleep .I  also  plan  to  play   out  side   with  my   friends.I  also   plan   to  go  to  parties   and  their  going  to  be  fun.My  mom  is  also  going  to  take  me   to  check   out    some   books.M y   spring  break  is  going   to  be   fun.

    Wednesday, March 9, 2011

    About me

    My  name   is   Louis   Benitez .I   like  to  play  out  side my  favorite games to  play  out  side are  dodge   ball   and   base  ball .My   Favorite    food   is  pizza  because  it    tastes   good   I  also  like  hamburgers☺☻.  My  favorite  sport  is   base ball.
    Well  that  is  all  about    me. 

    Tuesday, March 8, 2011

    Future promp

    In   ten   years  I    want   to  be  a architect  because  I   like  math .  I   also     think  it   would   be  fun   to  be  a  arcatect.I   also  want  to  be  a  arcatect   because  I   want   to   give   my   family    a  beter   future.I   also   dont   want     my  mom  to   work  because   she   has   done   so   much  for    me  .
    I   will  also invest   some  of  my  money   into   bisneses.

    Monday, March 7, 2011

    Paper Prototype Reflection

    My paper  prototype has helped plan out my game.
    It   helped me  out  the   scenes   in   flash.
    My   paper   prototype looks   really cool .  My   friend   likes  my     paper   prototype   he  sais  it  looks  cool.My paper   prototype  plays  a  big   part   in  my   game.   

    Friday, March 4, 2011

    service lerning trip

    I   its   cool  that   were   going   to   UT .   Its   going   to  be   fun.I  hope     Raul    if    not   it   wont  be  the  same    because    he's    my  freind .  There  is   going  to  be   a   boufet   in       UT.

    Friday, February 25, 2011

    Malcolm X.........

    When  Malcom  x    got  out   of    jail  he   became  Muslim.Then    brother    Jonson    got   beat   up   by   cops.   They   also  sanded   him   to    Jail.    Malcom x   got   him    out   then   he  proposed  to   Betty.Betty   answered   yes    because    she   really  loves   Malcom  x.Betty   got  calls    from     people   are   threatening  to  kill   her   and    Malcomx   and  their   family.Malcom x   whent  to   Egypt    for   a  some  days.When  he   got  back  home   he   took   some   prosecures   to  perfect  himself   then  they   bombed    his  house.When    he  was  giving   a  speech  in  a  auditorium    in   New york   then  some   people   shoot   him.

    Rosa Parks

    Rosa  Parks was   siting    in  the  bus    minding   her    own    business   and  the  bus  was  full  .
    Then a   white   man  came  into   bus   and  said  
    "there  is  no   room  in  the   bus"then  the  bus  driver  got  up  and   said    "all   negros    need   to  get  up"   so   all  the   black   people     got  up
    except    for  Rosa  Parks.The    bus   driver   said   "are  you  deaf   get    up".Rosa  parks   said   "no  I   don't    want  to "   the  bus  driver   responded     by   saying   "that's it   i'm   calling   the   cops".The   cops   came   and   arrested   her  but   they   treated  her   different    than   other   black   people   because   she  worked   for allot      of  rich  white   woman   and  they  didn't     want  white   woman   moiving  them because   they  arrested  her   then    Martin  Luther    King   helped  her  get   out.    

    Wednesday, February 23, 2011

    In   my  game  you    have  to  eat  bugs  that  are   factors  of   100.If    you  dont  eat    the  bugs  that  are   factors  of  100  their  poisonus.

    My  opinion  of   technology     is  that    it   is  really  helpful in n our   lives  .   My  opinion  hasn't   changed   since   the  beginning   of   the    year.I  think  technology   has  changed   our  lives.Sometimes   technology   is   hard   to   use  an   example   is   like   I   pod touch  for  me  they   because   sometimes  I   press the  wrong  buttons . 

    Tuesday, February 22, 2011

    globaloria reflection

    1. One thing I have learned in Globaloria is...how  to   write  in   flash and   how  to   write   in   flash.

    2. My favorite thing about my Globaloria class is...that  you  get  to  work  with    computers.

    3. I think being in Globaloria now will help me in the future because...I   will   know   how  to  work   with   computers.

    Thursday, February 17, 2011

    drag and drop mini game

    The   name   of  my   game    Spider   Factors.Your   a    mom   spider   and  your   trying    to   get   food   for   you   and   your   baby.Under  the baby  spider  there  is  going   to  be  a  number   and  on  top   of   the  bugs   there's   going   to   be   numbers     those   numbers  have  to  be   factors  of  the  number   under  the  baby .If    there   not   the   bugs   are   poisons   that  in  my  mini  game.

    Wednesday, February 16, 2011

    Mad Hot Ballroom

      The    main   message of     Mad Hot Ballroom   is   that   it  doesn't   mater   what   you   do   you'll      succeed.It's   about   kids    trying   to  get  to  a  competition.Sixty     schools  are  going  to  go  against each  other.At    the  end    the  indigo   team   won.They  were   the   best  team .

    Friday, February 11, 2011

    Malcom x

    Malcom  x    is   about  a   normal   african   american.  Until  hemet  a  guy  named   archie    in    a  bar  .Archie   ofered    him    a   job with   him.Malcom   scamed   archie  out  of  600   dollars .  Know    Archie  is   trying  to   kill   him . 

    Mad Hot Ballroom

    Mad    hot   ball   room   is   about   trying   to   get   in   a   competition.
    The   kids    say   that   ball   room   dancing    is   pretty   easy.
    Most   of   the  kids    are     from    Dominican    republic.
    Alot    of   the  kids    want    to    get  into   the   competition    real     bad.
    The   teachers   are  trying    to   figure   out    what    to  do   with    the    kids    that   don't   get   into  the   competion.

    oregon trail 2

    1.What did you learn from playing Oregon Trail?How  to  save   money.
    2. What did you like most about the game?The   hunting   part
    3. What did you like the least about the game?The  graphics  was  the   thing    i  liked   the   least
    4. What are some ideas from the game that you could add to your own game?I   don't  wan't    anything  about   the   oregon trail  in  my   game.

    Monday, February 7, 2011

    oregon trail

    1.Who do you think this game was made for?
    I   think    this   game   was   made   for   middle   school    kids.  

    2. What does the player see and do?
    The  player   sees   the   out  doors  their   trying   to  get  to  Oregon. 
    3. What are the rules and how do you win?

    You   win   by   getting   to   Oregon.
    4. What is the goal of the game?

    The  goal   of  the   game   is  to  get   to   Oregon.  
    5. What will the player learn by playing this game?

    How     to   you   your   money. 
    6. What makes this game fun for the player?

    That    you  get  to  hunt.
    7. What kind of graphic/animation are in the game?

    The    graphics    are      really   simple.   
    8. What kind of sounds are in the game?

    I    don't   really know  because  I   didn't   hear   the   music.
    9. What makes this game special and unique?

    That   it   is   simple    but    fun.  
    10. Why will it sell?
    Because   it   is   fun.

    Friday, January 28, 2011

    It   is   kinda   hard   to   work   in   teams  because    you   all    have   diferent    ideas. 
    one    of   the   advantages    of   working   in    teams    is   you   get     done   faster.
    It     is   also  really    fun   to   work    in   teams.My    partners   are    Ben   and   Pablo.
    We   are   having    alot    of    fun    creating   our   game. 

    Wednesday, January 26, 2011

    about    our    game    is    thing    I    would    like    to    change  one   that    we     should   make     it    harder.I    also    think     we    should   make    it   longer.We    should  also  add cars  on   our   game.  I  don't    mean    the   whole    game    should    be    about    cars     just       a     little    part    should    be    about    cars.

    Monday, January 24, 2011

    The pact

     The    Pact     is     about      three     black       men    who  became  doctors.One    of      the  things    I     learned  from    this    movie  was   that      only      6%     percent   of   doctors     are    black.I    would   really   like   to   know    which    one    of   them    gave     of      being     doctors.I  am   reading    their   second    book     which   is   We   BEAT  The   Street.I'm    also    going   to   do   a   book   share   on  it.

    Friday, January 14, 2011

    my game

    My  game   is  really    cool  its  about   bullying.You     have   to  put  out   cigarette  men.With   a   water     gun    obcoars.   Ms. V      said    the     game   will    probably     be    finished   by   the  end   of   the   year.

    Wednesday, January 5, 2011

    my winter break.

     My  winter   break   was   awesome    I    got   a   I pod   shuffle    and    two     teak    decks   for    Christmas.I     really  wanted  a wii   resort   game   
    but     I  didn't     get      it     for   Christmas.                 I'm    not    that    glad   to  be   back    in    school   because   I   wanted   one    more  week    to   relax   in   my     house.Well  that  was   my   winter   break.